Daddy's Girl

I am oldest of 5 children, the only girl with 4 younger brothers. I guess you could say that I was spoiled, but I also bore a great deal of responsibility as the oldest child - and with being the only girl I was expected to do all the things that girls do in the know helping with dishes, laundry, cleaning, etc... so, while I was spoiled, I also was held responsible for my younger siblings.

I never was bothered about being the only girl, and I didn't mind not having a sister while I was growing up because I was able to share a special relationship with each of my parents. For my mom I was her only girl - so I was able to become the recipient of all the adorable things that moms like to get for their daughters. For my dad - well, I was a daddy's girl, and to a certain extent though I am in my 50's and have been married for nearly 32 years, I still am.

Today is my dad's birthday. I was thinking about my dad this morning and as I pondered the wonderful relationship that we have enjoyed I bowed my heart in prayer to the Lord and thanked Him for giving me my father. I thought of really all the wonderful attributes that he has – he has always been very loving, honest, hard working, faithful, fair, and overall a great man. I believe that all those qualities I saw in him helped me to know what to look for in a husband, and how thankful I am for that!

I also thought about the fact that God is our Heavenly Father, and how much importance that puts on the fact that Dad is called father. I believe when we as children, or even as adults hear "Father" we think of our earthly fathers. Wow, what an awesome responsibility that carries for the man that is called father - because forever in the hearts of their children when they think of God they will see an image of their dad.

With that thought in mind, I believe it is so important for you mom to help your husband with this task. I don’t mean to nag him or even to tell him how to be a father, but rather gently let him know when you believe your children need special “daddy” time. I remember when we were raising our children there were just some times that I felt it was important or would be helpful to our children if they had a special outing with their dad. I firmly believe this helped their relationship, and worked to foster a better relationship our adult children now have with their heavenly Father.

Here are three examples I find that teach special times when children should be encouraged to go to dad, and likewise when you mom should encourage dad to help the kids.

1. “If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?” Matthew 7:11 Children usually find it easier to ask mom for things – when they do encourage them to go to dad (and let him know in advance that you have done so, so that you agree together the answer – you don’t want your kids pitting you against each other.)

2. “Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him.” Psalm 103:13 When your children are hurting, of course as a mom you are the comforter – but be sure to share with your husband your children’s heartaches and allow him to sometimes be the one that does something special to help them feel better. (Like taking them out for an ice cream or to do something special)- I remember asking my husband to spend special time with our children from time to time just because – it was always a blessing for both of them.

3. “For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.” Proverbs 3:12 This is a tough one especially on dad, but especially for boys it really seems to work better if dad is the main one doing the disciplining.

So Dad thanks for being such a truly wonderful father to me and my brothers – we all love you and think the world of you. And to my hubby, thank you for being a great dad to our children. Ladies – help your husbands by encouraging them to be a good dad you'll be glad you did - and so will your childen.

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Hi Terr, One of the greatest moments in my life is when you were born, I loved you from the first time I saw you. It has been a great privilige for me to be your Dad and a tremendous blessing to me. Love always Dad


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