Don't Puff Them Up, Build Them UP!
Encouragement. That is such an important part of a parent's role in training and raising up children. You know, you need to encourage your kids to try to do things they are convinced they can't do on their own - like walking, going potty, talking, reading, obeying. There are so many ways we can encourage our children, sometimes it can be a kind word, a smile, cheering, coaxing, even disciplining is a form of encouragement if done properly and used appropriately. We all want to make sure that we instill a good dose of confidence in our children so that they will be willing to try to do the hard things. The important thing is to make sure we are building them up to prepare them for their futures, and not just puffing them up by making them think they can do something they are not prepared to do. I Corinthians 8:1 teaches, "Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth." We may fill our children’s heads and make them think they can do something because they have a head ...