Painted, Powdered, and Perfumed

When I was a little girl – I was, from every account I have heard, very precocious! I have heard wonderful stories of many of the adventures I had as a young child from my parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents.

I know that I was adventurous because at 18 months old I braved the wide outdoors to sneak out of the house and cross 2 streets to visit my grandmother Nanny!

I know that I was a hostess in the making because at the full age of 2, I served my mother’s friends “tea” in my own tea set. My mother wondered where I was getting the water for my tea – and to her horror discovered that I was serving her friends water fresh from the toilet!

I also know that I was very interested in my appearance because the one story they all told me about was of my insatiable desire to wear my aunt’s make up!

My grandparent’s owned a home that was a multiple dwelling – with 2 upper levels and a basement. My grandparents, my parents, and my aunt and uncle each lived on one of the levels of the home – so we were very close. My aunt had a beautiful vanity where she kept her make-up and perfume, and I kept a keen eye on the door that led to her room so that I could get into it at any chance possible. Once I figured out how to open the door, they had to purchase a gate to keep me out. I grew up hearing the stories of my determination to get to that make up – and of their horror when they discovered that someone had forgotten to close the gate KNOWING they would find “Terrie the Terror” in her room fully painted, powdered, and perfumed!

I was reminded of these wonderful stories the other day when my husband and I were reminiscing of when we were new Christians – and how in our desire to know the Lord we would grasp for anything that seemed remotely Christian! We listened to all kinds of radio programs; we were enamored with any song that said Jesus’ name. The problem with these choices was that in many cases the biblical application of these radio programs and songs was not doctrinally sound.

I thought of how as a child I really wanted to look beautiful and smell nice just like the ladies I loved in my family, I just didn’t yet know how to apply it all. As new Christians we wanted to get the full dose of Christianity, but being babes in Christ, we didn’t know how to apply the truths of the Bible to our lives. I am thankful that in the fullness of time I learned how to apply my make-up and perfume; and I am thankful that we have through the years been taught to apply our hearts unto wisdom.

You know, as Terrie the Terror I painted my face with make-up, sealed that make-up with powder, and then powerfully perfumed myself because I wanted the right things, I just didn’t know how to apply them. I was a child and so as I Corinthians 13:11 says, “When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child…” I am thankful that today I am painted by the shed blood of Christ for the remission of my sins. I am thankful that because I received Christ as my Saviour, I am powdered or sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise; and I praise the Lord that I am perfumed… “For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ…”

Perhaps you have a precocious child that is like me, wanting the right things at the wrong time. Maybe you know a new Christian that is making the same childish mistakes I made because they want the right things; but they don’t know how to properly apply them. In both cases, pray for them, and lovingly train or disciple them, and remember the wisdom from Isaiah 28:9 “Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little.” It takes time and maturity – don’t expect too much. After all, being painted, powdered, and perfumed is good thing - when it is done the right way at the right time!

Have a wonderful day!


  1. i TERRIE my little terror I have not heard that in such a long time,it took me back and I cry it is amazing how you put it all together and make sense,truly spirit filled ,when is that book coming!!!!love mom.


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