Piles of Dirt

Last year the Lord allowed us to move into a home that has a sizable yard.  One of the things that we looked forward to was growing fruit and vegetables in our own garden.  I was so excited as I bought the seeds and imagined all the fresh vegetables we would enjoy for dinner.  I was equally thrilled as my husband/farmer/pastor rototilled the yard and set the rows for our soon coming bountiful harvest!

What I didn't imagine was that so many creatures would be so enthralled with our garden.  There are strange lady bug looking beetles that ate our broccoli, and the squirrels have stormed through our strawberries – and now the moles are eating through the roots of the lawn!
I have learned that lizards are my friends as they eat many bugs, and I enjoy watching them do their push-ups on the dirt before they conquer our pesky infestations.  I have also learned that playing whack-a-mole is much easier when the mole is raising its head in a game than when they’re peeking up through the fresh pile of dirt!

As I sat in the house watching my husband use the shovel to whack the mole, and then resort to using the hose to try to flush the demon out, I began to ponder (after laughing of course) about moles and how they work undercover destroying the roots without being detected until there is dead (or no) grass and a pile of dirt!

I think sin is the same way – often sins in our lives start out undercover without being detected until there is not only no more growth, pretty soon the circumstances of life may look like a pile of dirt – a mess everywhere!  As I pondered further (can you tell I live in the country, did I mention that my next door neighbor is a cow pasture?) about flushing the moles – I thought about how that’s what we need to do when sin tries to sneak in – flush it out with Water, the Water of the Word, just as the Bible says in Ephesians 5:26, “That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word…” speaking of the church. 

Not a one of us would welcome a mole in our yard, and those piles of dirt are not pleasant at all! Why on earth would we welcome sin and the mess that it brings in our lives?  We know that the temptation to sin is lurking in this wicked world – let’s keep ourselves clean by the water of the Word so that we can flush sin out of our lives and avoid those piles of dirt!

Have a wonderful, dirt pile free day!


  1. This illustration that you gave was awesome ,I love it ..I am so proud of you to see how clear that you are walking with the Lord .that HE gives you so much wisdom to put your thoughts so clear as you do ..love you honey and always so proud of you <3


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