...is Greatest

Today, in most social media circles, is known as #tbt (throw back Thursday).  With that in
mind this morning I have been pondering the days when I was the young mom with 4 little ones in tow.  As a wife and mother I truly felt I was in my element – it was the life I had always dreamed of having and I was indeed living my dream.  Sadly, those years pass so quickly and for some reason – we don’t really ever dream of what our life will be post children in the home.  I don’t think very many women dream of what their life will be when they’re a grandma!

This year has been a year of, once again, many changes for me.  My husband and I are
currently on deputation as BIMI Missionaries to the USA.  We are church planters.  This is what God has called us to do and I say that with no hesitation or doubt – I KNOW this is God’s will and I am honored and blessed that He would allow us to serve Him in any capacity, but I do especially feel blessed that He would entrust this ministry to my husband and me.  

I could write numerous (and probably should) blog postings about how God has blessed us thus far in our travels on deputation; but, today I am thinking especially of the blessed time I’ve had in being able to spend extended periods of time with our children because basically, right now, we are homeless (this is said with a smile and the constant reminder that “this world is not home, I’m just a passing through; my treasures are laid up, somewhere beyond the blue…”).  

This morning while at my daughter's I watched as the little guy she watches began saying “up, up” so he could get out of the high chair and it immediately brought me back to when my first born son was a little guy and he would say “dow” (for down), only he said it not only when he wanted to get out of the high chair, he also said it any time he wanted to be held.  I suppose it was because when he was in his high chair and I asked him if he wanted to get down, I would then pick him up from the high chair, and give a big hug and squeeze before I would put him down.  

Last week, after candidate school at BIMI, (which was amazing btw), we were able to spend some time with our youngest son and family, and to meet our newest grandson.  While there it was such a blessing to watch as their little ones, especially the 2-year old twins, at times just wanted to be held by their daddy.  As a mom, it warms my heart to see that all my children are in happy, loving, and godly marriages seeking and striving to train their children to the glory of God.  As a grammie, it warms my heart to see my grandchildren do anything – seeing them is heartwarming in and of itself!  As I watched the babies longing to be held, and seeing how just being in their daddy’s (or mommy’s) arms gave them the comfort and security and love they were seeking reminded me of my heavenly Father.  I know that He is pleased when we come to Him in childlike faith; He tells us numerous time in His Word that He is with us, to fear not, and He has reminded us that He is always with us.  He has also stated that to Him, greatness is when we humble ourselves like a little child.

"For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee." -Isaiah 41:13

"Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." -Isaiah 41:10  

 “…and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” Matthew 28:20

"Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven." -Matthew 18:4 

So, on this #tbt, I am thankful for the memory of my own children and the joy it was to my heart when they were completely comforted and happy just knowing mommy and daddy were there to hold them.  I am thankful for the precious picture of watching my now adult children fulfill that same need for my grands…and I am especially thankful that God gave me that picture to remind me that I can and should behave that same way with Him.

Today, if you are having any type of struggle, trial, difficulty, if you feel lonely, or if you just need a hug – see yourself as the child that Jesus Himself held on His lap, and humble yourself before Him – because to God that is great!

Have a wonderful day!


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