God Wants me to Pray!


Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; Ephesians 6:18

Pray without ceasing.  1 Thessalonians 5:17

This year the Lord has impressed on my heart that my prayer life can be so much more than it has been.  I’ve had a prayer life, some years better than others.  I’ve always struggled with how to organize my prayer life.  Lists seem too much like I’m just reading an inventory of things I want rather than sincere heartfelt requests to God.  Prayer “straight from whatever is on my mind” has seemed too scattered, jumping here and there – so I have been praying all throughout the day as thoughts cross my mind, people’s needs come to my memory, or as I look at social media and people ask for prayer requests; sometimes I have prayed for someone because the time on the clock is their birthday.  I’ve been praying – basically talking to God almost all day long, and yet, my prayer life still seemed not intimate enough, not the one-on-one conversation I wish to have with God.

I long for my prayer life to be a time where I know that I am in communion with my God, just the two of us with no interruptions or distractions.  In my longing, I chose my theme for this year to be prayer – and as it turns out perhaps nothing is more important than prayer this year!

This year our country is in a situation I’ve never lived through.  We are politically separated, and there seems to be no tolerance for disagreement.  I see Christians even adopting the cancel culture – the idea of writing people off because they don’t agree with you or support your ideas.  On top of that we have the pandemic and quarantine, which also seems to be politically charged to the point that families are at odds against each other. 

Though I have chosen this theme for this year, I must admit, I have still struggled with just how to get my prayer time to where I want it to be.  The Lord knows I have been trying and this week He brought me special help through my husband.  

For the last several months we have been going back and forth with a furniture company because the sofa bed we purchased was defective, and the frame that held the mattress was broken.  Finally, this past week my husband went in to see if we could get the problem resolved.  While there he spotted a chair that was on sale for an incredibly good price; he bought it thinking it would be helpful to put in our closet so I could sit to put my shoes on.  At first, I thought it was almost silly – I didn’t NEED a chair to sit on to put my shoes on, plus we have a chair in our room, but I received it as a blessing of my husband’s thoughtfulness of my needs. 

This morning during my devotion I once again expressed my deep 

My Prayer Chair
desire, need for my prayer time to be more…and the Lord spoke to my heart telling me that He had provided a place for me to be able to meet with Him, uninterrupted and free from distractions…my closet on the new and comfortable chair my husband had purchased for me!  God is so good to me!  He provides my every need!  I’m thankful that He’s given me a husband that is sensitive to His leading as well.  

This afternoon, after my prayer time I spoke to my husband and asked if he had purchased the chair for me for that reason, and he said that he just thought it was a nice chair and that it would be nice for me to have it.  We both marveled at how God moved him to buy the chair so I could have a place, my own prayer closet, so I could spend time with my Savior and my God.  

God doesn’t need me to pray, but He has shown me that my desire to grow in my prayer life matters to Him.  Perhaps the sofa bed frame was defective so that we would have to go back to the furniture store at just the time when the chair was on a very special close-out price. I believe the Lord had every little detail planned so that I could have a place to pray.  

Thank You, Lord!  I know You did this for me.  I look so forward to growing in my prayer life.  Thank You for answering prayer even though my prayer life has been so disorganized.  I know You are a God of order, so please help me to be better about that.  I love You, Lord; thank You for loving me.


I am sharing this because I believe that it glorifies our God, and in the hope that it might be a blessing and encouraging to you. 

Have a wonderful day!



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