Swallow and Follow

Swallowing took on a whole new meaning for me recently when I underwent an endoscopy - that is a test where the patient (me) must swallow a tube with a small camera at the end so that the doctor can see all the way to the stomach. I knew I needed to take the test because of family history - but I was okay with it because I thought I was going to be asleep during the procedure. A few days before my appointment the nurse called to give me last minute instructions; I became apprehensive when she said I would have to be awake to swallow this tube! In fact I told her that it sounded like a panic situation to me...I did not want to do it so I fretted and stewed about having to swallow that tube for the rest of the week (that was a lot of help); but the truth is the only way I could get the results was by swallowing that horrifying tube. Thankfully I indeed was asleep during the procedure and so all that panicking was for nothing - Praise the Lord!

That word swallow is an interesting word because it has so many meanings other than just to take food from your mouth to your stomach. Another meaning is to accept without question or suspicion. I believe that is the kind of swallowing we should use when it comes to the Bible. Psalm 34:8 says, "O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him." When it comes to the Bible we should swallow and follow - accept the Word of God without question or suspicion - and then do it!

Ladies,when God calls your husband to take that step of faith - though it may seem difficult and perhaps even frightening - just swallow and follow. This will be much easier if your bathe your husband in prayer and trust that God is leading your husband to lead your family. Every mighty miracle that we read about in the Bible started with a step of faith (that's the swallowing part - believing), but as James said in James 2:18 "...I will shew thee my faith by my works." In other words when you believe something your actions will prove it.

Ladies, I encourage you to take the Word of God to heart today - swallow and follow - as you do you will indeed experience Psalm 34:8 - you will see that the Lord is good and you will be blessed as you trust in Him.

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Thank you for posting a devotion today! I was checking each day. I am smiling so big today because of how relevant this is in my life today. It is something I have been praying about, and that the Lord is refining me in, and to see it in your blog confirms to me that the Holy Spirit is leading. Thank you.

  2. Terrie that was very encouraging to me because of all the thing that I have been going through ,and GOD remains faithful ,I know that if we let it fear can conquer us but GOD is greater Amen thanks honey..I know that this is going to help a lot of people...<3


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