Built by a Break

For a mother there aren't many things capable of bringing sheer joy, or a broken heart like the actions of her children. It seems that our hearts are completely enveloped by the lives of our children. Even now that my children are grown as I think of them throughout the day I bring them before the throne of grace. When I see my children fulfill a goal or accomplish something new I want to be the first one to cheer them on, or let them know how proud I am of them. When any of my children face a trial, while I know that I can't prevent it or be there to make everything all better as I did when they were young, I carry it in my heart and go through it with them, and pray it through.

I have been thinking of an account of a mother whose heart was broken by the acts of one of her children. She was attending an event over which one of her children was presiding. She was so proud of this great accomplishment, the sessions being taught, and the respect with which her child was being received - she made sure to sit front and center. Perhaps she was being a little proud, but what mother wouldn't be proud of such an accomplishment by one of her children? In the course of the day her child introduced with great pride the woman that he said was "like a mother" to him, and proceeded to list all the wonderful attributes of this woman. Now, there was nothing wrong with what was done, but the "real" mom felt slighted. She didn't expect to be introduced, she just felt that if her child was going to say someone was like a mother, the fact that the real mom was there should have been at least mentioned. For the balance of the event she sat in the back - her heart was broken.

She never told her child how she felt or how she cried many days over the fact that she felt another woman had taken her place in the heart of one of her children. Being a Christian woman she prayed about her feelings and asked the Lord to help her with her broken heart. God answered her with a reminder that He knew exactly how she felt. You see everyday people fail to give God the glory due only Him. Through this heartbreaking experience she learned some things that helped her to grow closer to the Lord. "But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you." I Peter 5:10. From this verse in Scripture we learn that the things we suffer make us "perfect" (meaning mature), strong, and settled (in our faith - less likely to be drawn away).

What did she learn?

1. She learned to understand "...thou shalt have no other gods before me." For the first time she realized just how painful it must be for the Lord when we give people, chance, or luck credit for things that God does.

2. She learned the importance of showing her appreciation to the Lord for the things He does and for the influences He allowed in her life that caused her to grow and progress.

3. She learned that suffering in this way helped her in her Christian walk. She came to the conclusion that her child probably did not mean to hurt her, but that perhaps the Lord used that event to help her to get a glimpse of the heart of God, for which she remains thankful.

Ladies, moms, we will all face difficulties that will cause us to feel broken hearted. This mom was built by a break-it is my prayer that as Christians when we experience the pain of being broken hearted we will go to the Lord for help and allow Him to minister to us through His Word.

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Hi Terrie,I just finish reading tender touch and it made me cry just thinking how many times we do that to God, as a mother I understand how it would feel if that happen to me Terrie when are you going to write the BOOK.what you write is so inspiring and spitual. love Mom


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