It’s a Celebration!

Merry Christmas! It is hard to believe that Christmas is just one week from today. This morning I have been thinking about Christmas as I have 90% of my shopping yet undone. The word Christmas itself means to celebrate Christ – so I began thinking about celebrating. To celebrate means:

1. To observe (a day or event) with ceremonies of respect, festivity, or rejoicing.
2. To perform (a religious ceremony)
3. To extol or praise: a sonnet that celebrates love.
4. To make widely known; display

I love celebrating! I believe that we should celebrate life everyday that we wake up breathing! As Christians we should celebrate Christ everyday through our actions by observing those things that are important to our Saviour – make reading your Bible and praying a daily ceremony with rejoicing for all that God has done for you; make singing to the Lord as much a part of your shower as cleaning your body and most importantly make all that Christ hath done for you widely known!

I don’t know about you, but when we celebrate an occasion like a birthday I tell everybody. As I shop for the gifts I tell the person at the register that my purchase is a gift; I tell the checker at the grocery store about the meal I am preparing for the celebration and how happy I am to be able to celebrate another year of life for my loved ones – and if it is for my husband, kids, or one of my grandkids then of course I have to tell them how special, brilliant, talented, and precious my family is to me. Now they may not particularly care about my family – but the joy is contagious and I usually find the checker smiling and sending me off with well wishes for the celebration. Shouldn't we all the more spread that joy about our Saviour? Let’s make the joy of Christ widely known – it's Christmas let’s celebrate Christ! "And thou shalt have joy and gladness; and many shall rejoice at his birth." Luke 1:14

Merry Christmas! Have a wonderful day.


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