My Cup Runneth Over

The empty nest sounds like such a sad transition – it has even been named as a syndrome for when parents experience sadness and emptiness when their children leave home. We have had an empty nest for several years now as our youngest child has been married 4 ½ years now – however we have always had all our children living near to us – in fact for a short while 3 of our 4 children all lived on the same block with us! So now that we are living away from all of our children our nest really seems empty.

One of the best ways to prepare for the time when your children are living away from home is to make sure that you and your husband share time together as a couple not just parents. Be sure that you make time to be sweethearts; go on dates with just the two of you; and work at being best friends with each other. I am so glad that my husband and I always considered the fact that one day it would be just the two of us again – and now here we are. I will say though that we look forward to any time we can spend with our children! It is a special treat for us to spend time with our kids and now grandkids as well.

This morning as I was reading my Bible I read Psalm 65:11 which says, “Thou crownest the year with thy goodness.” As I read that verse I thought of the wonderful time we were able to enjoy for Thanksgiving as we had all of our children and grandchildren together – all 21 of us! Though we planned various activities for the week we were together to me it didn’t matter what we did, it was just being together that made the time special. Now, if anyone were to view the video that was taken of the craziness that transpires when 11 children aged 5 and under are all together they may not agree with my sentiment; but to me it was sheer bliss.

As I see our children all happily married, serving the Lord and raising their children to the glory of God I say - Thank you Lord for crowning my year with goodness; I am so thankful for our family and for the time You gave us to spend together – I don’t feel empty at all – in fact I can say as David did in Psalm 23:5-6, “my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.”

During this Holiday Season especially please keep Christ at the center “…for consider how great things he hath done for you.” I Samuel 12:24

Have a wonderful day!


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