Faith, Grace, and Mercy

Yesterday after the morning service my husband and I had the privilege of visiting a church where my husband would be preaching the evening service. We got there a little early and I met a gal that I was able to sit and chat with for nearly an hour! In the course of our conversation we got on the subject of cancer, and so I began to tell her about my daughter that is a cancer survivor.

As a cancer patient, my daughter had many years of doctor's appointments that lasted beyond the 18 months that she was on chemotherapy. For the first several years she had check-ups that included chest x-rays, ct scans, and blood tests. I remember one time in particular that we went in for her testing and I was especially anxious. I was weak and fearful. As we were getting ready to leave, I prayed and asked the Lord if He could please just let me know everything was ok, because I really didn't think I could take the waiting for a phone call. As we were walking out the door Kellie's surgeon happened to pass by and asked how we were doing and how things were going, and I answered him telling him what tests she had just taken and so forth...anyway, a few seconds later the doctor came back and said, "Mrs. Azzarello, I just went and looked at her tests - congratulations everything is fine." I weep even now as I remember the flood of relief I felt, and the overwhelming joy at God's grace, and mercy being extended to us.

God is so good - He didn't have to answer my prayer immediately, especially since shortly after Kellie's surgery in answer to a prayer I received a verse I claim to this day. You see a week after Kellie's cancer surgery we had to take her back to the hospital because of severe pain. That evening while I was home with our sons, and my husband was at the hospital with our daughter I truly feared that she was not going to live through the night. I cried and prayed, and begged God for His help. He led me to Jeremiah 33:3, "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." As I continued reading I came to verse 6 which says, "Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them, and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth." When I read that verse I felt peace and a comfort from the Holy Spirit that indeed God was going to cure Kellie from her cancer.

The next time Kellie had her test I began to get fearful again, and prayed as I had the time before that God would give me an immediate answer, but the answer I received that time was an admonishment in my heart - that still small voice that said, "Terrie, I have already promised to give her health and cure - trust me." I realized that my fearfulness was wavering faith and asked the Lord for His forgiveness. That experience stretched my faith - and while I certainly wouldn't want to relive it, I am thankful for all that God did in our lives as a result.

John 9:41 says, "Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth." When I read that I remembered how when I didn't understand that my anxiety over Kellie's test was showing a lack of faith and trust in God's promise to me, I was blind, but once God showed me and I saw it - when I was no longer blind, then it was a sin.

I am thankful for the reminder this morning. Our Heavenly Father is worthy of all of faith - He is an almighty God that we can believe in and stand sure upon His Word! I thank you Lord, for your grace and your mercy that You have extended to all that believe. Ladies, I pray for all of you that are struggling with difficulties today that as you read this you will be reminded that you can really trust God - He will keep His Word! Have faith - He will extend His grace and His mercy to you!

Have a wonderful day!


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