Jesus Prayed for Us!

Last week as I was reading my Bible in the book of John I came across a verse that always means so much to me when I read it. It is John 17:20, “Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word.” I have noted in my Bible that Jesus prayed for me. Jesus’ prayer is recorded in John 17. My question and what I believe is important to know is what Jesus actually prayed. If Jesus prayed for me, it is important. If it is recorded in the Bible it is important. I know that what He prayed is the will of God for my life, and that the Holy Spirit will speak to my heart to do what God will, but whether or not it is fulfilled is up to me, because I have freewill to do as I please – God does not force me to do His will. Just as Jesus died to pay for the sins of whole world and only those that believe will receive the salvation that He purchased; so the answer to Jesus’ prayer is answered to those who believe and submit themselves to His will.
1. Jesus prayed for us because we are God’s. John 17:9
2. Jesus prayed that God would keep us and that we would be one, as Jesus and God. John 17:10
3. He prayed that we might have His joy fulfilled in ourselves. John 17:11
4. He prayed that God would keep us from the evil in the world. John 17:15
5. He prayed that we would be sanctified through God’s Word. John 17:17
6. He prayed that as we are one in Him, others would believe (be saved because of our testimony). John 17:20
7. He prayed that we would be made perfect (complete, mature) so that the world would know that God loves us. John 17:23
8. He prayed that we would be with Jesus to behold His glory. John 17:24
9. He prayed that the love of God would be in us so that we would declare His name. 17:26
Are you an answer to Jesus’ prayer?


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