Sometimes a Loss May Reveal a Blessing

“But Mary stood without at the sepulcher weeping...and they say unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? She saith unto them, Because they have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid him.” John 20:11-13. Mary was weeping because when she went to the tomb of Jesus, He was not there. Now, today we know it was a victory over death because Christ arose triumphantly! Mary however, was the one that felt the loss. Often in our lives we are faced with different types of losses; perhaps the loss of a job, a financial reversal, the loss of a home, even the loss of a friend. When these things happen we usually weep as Mary did because we fear the unknown. We say to ourselves, “now that this has happened, what are we going to do?” I think about the loss we suffered when we had a fire in our church auditorium—and yet God gave us a beautiful new auditorium and the ability to do many improvements that we might otherwise not have been able to complete. I recall hearing a preacher tell the story of how a tremendous business loss and financial reversal in his home while growing up worked to prepare him for the ministry today. His parents felt the loss, but now they are witnessing the victory that “loss” provided. I remember as a young teenaged girl feeling that I lost my whole world when my parents moved us to a new city. At the time all I could see was that I had to give up all of my friends to move to a place that I did not know and I did not like that at all! Within two years of that move many of the friends I had left behind became involved in drugs. The girl that was my best friend has lived such a sad life as a result of the choices she made way back then. I am thankful that my parents chose to take me out of that environment, because perhaps if I had kept those friends, I might have ended up in the same condition. Instead, I met my husband; I got saved and now have the privilege of serving the Lord! I see the victory now, but it felt only like a loss back then. As you face difficult times, trust the Lord; He has a plan and one day (perhaps not until heaven) you will see the wisdom of His choices for your life. Mary felt the loss, but we know the victory! Remember “All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are to called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28


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