Manoah's Wife

In today's society it seems that women believe they will feel more important if they have their own name. Married women tend to hold on to their maiden names - perhaps so that people they have known in the past will recognize who they are, or maybe they feel that by so doing they will not lose their own identity. As a Christian woman I find that often God does not even give the women He honours a known name at all. To name a few I think of Noah's wife, Lot's wife, the Virtuous Woman, and the one I am thinking about today...Manoah's wife. In my Bible reading I found it interesting that Samson's mother (Manoah's wife) doesn't have a name. She is referred to as "the woman," "Manoah's wife," or "Samson's mother"...yet God spoke to her, not her husband when announcing the soon coming arrival of their son Samson. It is clearly evident that she was respected because the angel of the Lord appeared to her, and when Manoah then was able to speak with the angel himself to ask the angel how to raise the child, the angel's response was basically "I told your wife what to do, let her do what I told her to do." In reading this account from the Book of Judges (Judges 13:1-13) I believe that God is teaching women some very valuable lessons.
1. He often speaks to the wife first before the husband regarding His will for their lives.
2. Even if we don't have a name, God still knows us.
3. God will encourage your husband to listen to what you have to say - especially if God has already spoken to your heart.
So ladies, don't be so worried about having a name - God knows you, He loves you and He will speak to your heart and as you listen to Him, He will cause others to listen to you. Have a great day! I love you and pray that I can be a blessing to you.


  1. I am glad you decided to start a blog. I look forward to "following" you on here! Love you!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement. Love you too:)

  3. I was just checking out your blog and I could definitely relate to this one. Thanks for sharing.


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