Heavenly Scent

This morning I was out soulwinning with a sweet lady in our church. As we were walking in the beauty of the day I passed an apple tree, and the scent brought a memory to my mind. A few moments later I caught of whiff of “dirt” that reminded me of when we went camping with the kids when they were young. I was walking and just thinking about how when we smell certain things it takes us back to a place, or a time, a certain memory of something associated with that certain scent. As I was pondering the wonder of it all, I suddenly realized that the sweet lady I was with was talking; only when I looked she was all by herself. I then realized that as we left each home, she was praying that every family member would be saved. My heart was blessed, and then the Lord brought Revelation 5:8 to my mind; it says, “And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints.” It got me thinking that when we pray it lets God know that we realize He is our God, and that we know He is the One that can help us in our time of need; a kind of memory to God of time we spend with Him.

Prayer. It is a precious time we have with our Lord and so often when we realize we can’t do anything we say things like, “I wish I could do something more for you; I’m sorry – I’ll pray for you.” The truth is – prayer to our Heavenly Father will do more than the most you can do on your own. Our prayers are a sweet scent to the Lord – reminding Him of the time we spend in His presence.

Have a wonderful day today!


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