Be Prepared

Expect the unexpected and prepare for the unpredictable! Children do not always do what is expected of them. Often they get their clothes dirty when you don’t expect or want them to. This won’t be a problem if you have a change of clothes handy. Always pack a little more than what you think you might need. If you don’t need to use the extra diapers, wipes, or bottles, you might be a blessing to someone else in need! I remember once when Danny and Jason were just babies; in fact, they were both still in diapers. I packed the diaper bag with a normal day in mind. Well, it did not turn out to be a normal day. We were shopping with my mom for the dress she would wear for her 25th Anniversary celebration and the “natives were getting restless,” so Grandma was giving them soft mint candies to occupy and quiet the children. Well, in case you never knew this, mint can act the same way as prunes (you know what I mean). Well, I ran out of diapers, out of clothes and patience!

Lessons I learned:

#1 - don’t take 2 baby boys shopping for a special occasion with Grandma!
#2 - bring snacks for them that they are accustomed to eating.
#3 - bring plenty of diapers and wipes
#4 - always bring a change or two of clothes, powdered formula, bottled water, and extra bottles (empty) or bottle liners. You’ll be glad you did!


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