Want or Need?

The other day my husband and I had the joy of attending the County Fair with our children and grandchildren. We had so much fun just watching the grandkids giggle with glee as they rode on the various rides. When we spend time with our kids I am filled with such joy in just being with them and it reminds me of how much it must mean to God when we choose to spend time with Him, whether in prayer, meditation, reading His Word, and attending church.

As I sat and just watched our precious grandchildren, it took me back to the time when my own children were little. One of our grandsons especially reminded me of his dad when he was little – not only in his looks, but also in his behavior and spirit. As I was watching him play, and do things his dad did when he was that age – I remembered a picture I have of my own son wearing almost the exact same outfit (jeans, sweatshirt, baseball cap); and I was reminded of the following story.

When my children were young, I always took them out with me anywhere I had to go – shopping, doctor’s appointments – everywhere; they were mine, and so I had them with me and each adventure was an opportunity to train them – and became a learning experience – for all of us. One day as we were out shopping at good old Mervyn’s, I noticed that children’s shoes were on sale. Without thinking too much about it, I started looking at the shoes and commented to my mom that my son (not the oldest or youngest) could use some new shoes. We didn’t find any shoes that would work for him and we started to leave, when suddenly I heard a ruckus behind me – one of my children was crying. Well, to my utter surprise my son (not oldest or youngest) was laying on the floor, apparently writhing in pain because his feet hurt. You can only imagine the looks I was getting from other shoppers in the store, as my child lay crying on the floor saying, “my feet, my feet –
ooooh, they hurt, please I neeeeeed new shoes!” I am chuckling as I remember this adorable little boy pouring on the act. Now, he really didn’t need the shoes, he was perfectly fine until he thought he might get some and didn’t. As I picked up my son, I assured him that I would get him the shoes he needed when the time was right. My mom and I tried to keep a straight face as we inwardly chuckled and to this day we laugh as we recall his dramatic act. You know, all too often we are just like that with our Heavenly Father.

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33 “All these things”…too often we want to take those words to mean all the things we want, or think that we need. But in reality, God knows what we need and He tells us exactly that in the preceding verses. "Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. Matthew 6:31, 32 We might get ourselves all upset or crying over something that we think we need, but the truth is, God knows our needs and promises that if we will seek Him first all these things will be added unto us – He will meet our needs.

This past Sunday morning as my husband was preaching he quoted the following saying, “God gives us the grace for what is, not for what if.” We worry about what if this or what if that, but the truth is God’s grace is extended for what is. We would all do well to learn the following verse, “Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” Philippians 4:11 God bless you and have a wonderful day!


  1. Hi Mrs. A,
    I wanted you to know that I always enjoy reading your blog and it ALWAYS is such a help and blessing to me. Keep it up!
    Dawn (Harper) Ward


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