The Right Shoes

Every first and third Sunday of the month our church hosts what we call "The Baptist Cafe." The various Sunday school classes take turns to prepare the food items for the fellowship after the evening service. This past Sunday it was my Sunday School Class "For Ladies Only" turn. I spent Sunday afternoon making brownies and arroz con pollo. Because I made enough for a large quantity, the recipe took a little longer than normal and so my husband left for church before I did. I left with just enough time to be there at the appointed time to meet the ladies to set up for the fellowship before the evening service. In my hurry and scurry to get everything out the door - I forgot to change my shoes! I realized when I was just about at the church that I was still wearing my fuzzy blue slippers! I couldn't believe it. I called my husband and told him of my dilemma and thankfully I was able to borrow a pair of shoes for the evening service! (Thank you Amanda...yet another Lucy episode:)
It has been said that shoes make the outfit, and I suppose I would have to agree (see my blog post "The Blue Shoes"). Have you ever seen someone dressed up very nicely only to finish off their outfit with dirty, dusty shoes? Or...have you ever gone out somewhere and then realized half-way through the day that your feet are crying in agony over the shoes you were wearing? God is concerned about our shoes, they are listed as the third part of the whole armour of God. In Ephesians 6:15 the Bible says, "And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace." I believe that this means that where ever we walk in life we should always be prepared to give out the Gospel. Each day as we dress we normally consider what we will be doing for the day and then dress accordingly - as Christians each day we should put on the whole armour of God - which includes having the right shoes! Have a wonderful day today and may the Lord bless you.


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