Don't Let Him Be Lonely
“And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” Genesis 2:18
In the Book of Genesis we see God’s order in creation and at the end of each day of Creation the Bible says, “God saw that it was good…” until the verse I quoted above; when God saw that Adam was alone He said, “It is not good.” We have always heard that our husbands need us, they need our help; but have you ever asked what they need our help for? Most people think it’s cooking and cleaning, laundry and ironing, or for making babies. But, read the verse again… God didn’t say- “Adam is not doing a good job at dressing and keeping the garden, he needs help.” What God saw that wasn’t good was Adam’s being alone. Eve was made to help Adam by being his companion, one that was “meet” or “suitable” for him. “Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” Genesis 2:24 God saw that Adam’s loneliness was not good, and so He created Eve to fill that void and help him, and made it so that man should never be alone(one flesh). This does not mean that you should hand cuff yourself to your husband and be his constant companion. It means that he should know that he has someone that is "with him."
God’s mercy and grace are so awesome and He is so very compassionate with us to meet our needs. He saw our need for Salvation and sent His Only Begotten Son to pay our sin debt; upon salvation He gives us the Holy Spirit to indwell us, to comfort us…and He promises, "Lo, I am with you alway..." In marriage the same holds true. Ephesians 5:30-32, “For we are members of His body of His flesh and of His bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and two shall be one flesh, this is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.” (In marriage one flesh, in salvation one in spirit) It’s not good that your husband should be alone- you were made to help him in the ways that are fitting to him.
So...In the morning when he gets up for work…is he alone? When he gets home from work? When he goes to bed… is he alone? It does not work well if you keep your own agenda and he keeps his…remember its not good that he should be alone. If he gets up early and goes to bed early, get on his schedule. (I know it’s hard when you have babies but work on it.)
• Have breakfast with him
• Be home when he gets home from work (obviously if you work and get home later that can’t be helped, but don’t be out gallivanting)
• Have meals together
• Go to bed together
• Share his vision
• Be in his corner
• Be his biggest fan
• Be his biggest cheerleader
• Bare your heart to him. That will help him to be able to bare himself to you.
• Compliment him
• Encourage him
Work on his plans and visions together with him in all these areas:
Your husband needs to know that you are with him. It’s not good that he should be alone. Don’t fight his plans or visions- be with him. It’s not good that he should be alone. Don’t let him be lonely.
In the Book of Genesis we see God’s order in creation and at the end of each day of Creation the Bible says, “God saw that it was good…” until the verse I quoted above; when God saw that Adam was alone He said, “It is not good.” We have always heard that our husbands need us, they need our help; but have you ever asked what they need our help for? Most people think it’s cooking and cleaning, laundry and ironing, or for making babies. But, read the verse again… God didn’t say- “Adam is not doing a good job at dressing and keeping the garden, he needs help.” What God saw that wasn’t good was Adam’s being alone. Eve was made to help Adam by being his companion, one that was “meet” or “suitable” for him. “Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” Genesis 2:24 God saw that Adam’s loneliness was not good, and so He created Eve to fill that void and help him, and made it so that man should never be alone(one flesh). This does not mean that you should hand cuff yourself to your husband and be his constant companion. It means that he should know that he has someone that is "with him."
God’s mercy and grace are so awesome and He is so very compassionate with us to meet our needs. He saw our need for Salvation and sent His Only Begotten Son to pay our sin debt; upon salvation He gives us the Holy Spirit to indwell us, to comfort us…and He promises, "Lo, I am with you alway..." In marriage the same holds true. Ephesians 5:30-32, “For we are members of His body of His flesh and of His bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and two shall be one flesh, this is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.” (In marriage one flesh, in salvation one in spirit) It’s not good that your husband should be alone- you were made to help him in the ways that are fitting to him.
So...In the morning when he gets up for work…is he alone? When he gets home from work? When he goes to bed… is he alone? It does not work well if you keep your own agenda and he keeps his…remember its not good that he should be alone. If he gets up early and goes to bed early, get on his schedule. (I know it’s hard when you have babies but work on it.)
• Be home when he gets home from work (obviously if you work and get home later that can’t be helped, but don’t be out gallivanting)
• Have meals together
• Go to bed together
• Share his vision
• Be in his corner
• Be his biggest fan
• Be his biggest cheerleader
• Bare your heart to him. That will help him to be able to bare himself to you.
• Compliment him
• Encourage him
Work on his plans and visions together with him in all these areas:
- Home
- Children
- Finances
- Church
- Service
Your husband needs to know that you are with him. It’s not good that he should be alone. Don’t fight his plans or visions- be with him. It’s not good that he should be alone. Don’t let him be lonely.
Have a wonderful day!
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